Move Forward Virtual Assistants

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Streamline Your Therapy Practice with MFVA Virtual Assistants & Dock Health

We are so excited to announce our newest strategic partnership with….(drum roll please…) Dock Health- the healthcare industry’s only foundationally HIPAA-compliant task-management and workflow automation platform.

For both organizations, it was truly love at first sight. Not only do we both seek to support mental health practices by reducing or eliminating administrative overwhelm so practice owners can spend more time serving their patients, but we found that the folks who run Dock Health have the kind of passion and enthusiasm for their work that matches ours at MFVA - and that’s not something we see all the time!

To celebrate our strategic partnership we’re co-presenting a webinar on June 7th, 1pm EST.

Join MFVA co-owners Jennifer Crawford and Meredith Eaton, and Dock Health Founder Jonathan Docktor, to discover how to augment team efficiency for improved practice performance. We will also be joined by special guest panelist Adam Paine, LCSW, founder of Austin-based Enteave Counseling, who will share his best practices for driving greater internal accountability, creating optimal efficiency, access, and collaboration between care team and patient, and ensuring timely communication across the organization.

The right combination of dedicated administrative experts working in a unified administrative hub will help your organization sustainably scale while driving improved patient experiences. This webinar will delve into the dropped balls, delays in care, and administrative overwhelm prevalent in today’s healthcare delivery — AND how to streamline administrative processes for more efficient workflow.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create transparency in your operations

  • Easily track client intake and scheduling

  • Streamline workflows and team collaboration

The webinar will be recorded and sent out afterward, so while we hope that you’ll join us live so we can answer your questions, register even if you can’t attend so you can get the recording!

See you on June 7 @ 1pm EST!