5 Reasons to Spring Clean Your Office

Spring Cleaning is Good for Your Health & Your Productivity

Spring is just around the corner—March 20 to be exact. You know what that means—time to spring clean that office. As daunting as the task may feel, there are a lot of great benefits to tidying up. At Move Forward VAs, we have put together a short list of reasons why you should take spring cleaning your office seriously. 

1.) An organized office space increases productivity

It’s true. Clearing out the clutter that has gathered from a busy winter season and reorganizing office supplies and documents means less time is wasted on searching for things you need. A nice rule of thumb when decluttering is: if you haven’t used it in the last six months it probably isn’t needed anymore. 

2.) You will feel healthier

Spring cleaning isn’t the same as eating healthy or getting enough rest but it is still important for your health. Germs and dust that have gathered over the winter months (you know what I am talking about!) could be making you sick. Taking the time to give your desk a thorough wipe-down will help to cut down on allergens and ultimately make you feel better. 

3.) It will make you feel happy

The actual act of spring cleaning might not be the highlight of your month but when you are done, it is almost guaranteed you will feel happier. Research shows that cleaning can reduce anxiety and help you feel more in control of your space and your work. And, all that productivity can cause an endorphin release. Feel-good hormones abound! 

4.) A clean space is a stress-less environment

You are likely less stressed in a space where you can find everything when you need it. It is more visually appealing to look at a room that is tidy and clean than it is to look at one with papers piled up and dust gathering in corners. Taking the time to clean up is a great stress reducer for the whole office. 

5.) It increases concentration

Think about it. If you are distracted by clutter or dust every time you go to look for something it is much harder to concentrate. A clean space means more time and energy to focus on your work and the things you truly enjoy. 

Clean space, happier office, happier employees, more satisfied clients 

When you aren’t spending time stressing about the look of your office space or the filing of that never-ending pile of papers, you will feel more relaxed and content. Those happy vibes are likely to spread to your office staff, who will also feel more calm and more content, and on to your clients who will likely be able to pick up on the office vibe. Not to mention, a clean space is important for retaining and attracting clients. 

While they don’t clean offices, Move Forward’s Virtual Assistants can help you stress less by helping to take care of some of the extra duties running a counseling office entails. Learn more about what we offer.


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