10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

May is the month of mothers. It is a month of honoring all the hard work, love, and devotion moms provide for their children — just as business owners sacrifice for their businesses, mothers sacrifice so much for their children. 

Move Forward’s virtual assistants, scheduling coordinators, and insurance coordinators are kind of like the nanny’s for a business. They assist the “moms” and “dads” aka business owners where needed, so the business owners can have more time for the things that mean the most to them—like spending time with their children. 

As a way of honoring all the mothers out there for the millions of things they do every day, we have created a list of Mother’s Day facts you may not have known. We thought they were interesting. Here they are:

  1. More calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. Imagine that. An estimated 122 million calls are made on the popular Sunday in May.

  2. Approximately 1/4 of all flowers purchased in a year are bought for Mother’s Day. Behind Christmas and Hanukkah, Mother’s Day is the third-highest holiday for flowers. 

  3. Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants. All moms can probably agree a day off from cooking and cleaning up after meals is a great way to spend the day that honors them. 

  4. The name “mom” comes from babies. The first sound that babies can vocalize is “ma.” This is why in almost every language the word for “mother” starts with an “m” or some iteration of the “ma” sound. 

  5. American Mother’s Day started with peacemaker Ann Jarvis. Jarvis worked during and following the civil war to bring mothers together from both sides. She tried to foster friendships between the mothers. She started a committee in 1868 that discussed the possibility of a “Mother’s Friendship Day.” Ann’s daughter, Anna, continued her legacy by pushing for the official holiday.

  6. President Woodrow Wilson declared Mother’s Day an official holiday in 1914. He said it gave people the opportunity to “publicly express our love and reverence for the mothers of our country,” according to History.com.

  7. The average age that women become mom’s in the U.S. is 27.1 years old, according to a 2020 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

  8. Approximately 152 million cards are sent for Mother’s Day. Moms reported in a 2021 YouGov poll that cards, flowers, or a special experience with their family are their preferred gifts. 

  9. Other countries celebrate Mother’s Day but often on different dates. In the UK, “Mothering Sunday” as it is called, is the fourth Sunday after Lent. 

  10. The most traditional Mother’s Day gift is a single carnation. A red carnation signifies respect for a living mother, while a white carnation is worn in honor of a mother who has died. 

Move Forward Virtual Assistants wishes all mothers a happy, healthy day! 


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